Anchor Baptist Church is a group of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have joined together to carry out the great commission and the great commandment.  We are Christian in our faith, Baptist in doctrine and Southern Baptist in cooperation.

Matt. 28:19-20 – Go and teach all nations.
Matt. 22:36-40 Love God with all your heart, mind and soul; and your neighbor as you love yourself. We have committed to build a congregation and a center for preaching, teaching and outreach to enrich the lives of the area to effectively carry out these intentional purposes of the Lord. We are committed to planting the Idaho Baptist College to teach and train Christian leaders to impact this area with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a family in worship, praise and outreach.  We trust as we lift Him up He will draw families to salvation and service.

Evangelism — Seek and bring the lost and un churched.
Education  —   Teach them all things.
Edification  —  Fellowshipping, encouraging and lifting up.
Extension  —    The harvest principle – reproduction mentoring
Exaltation  —   Lift up the Lord with worship, praise and outreach.

VISION: “Where there is no vision the people perish.” (Prov. 29:18a) As the Lord set His face toward His mission of the cross (persecution, death and resurrection) and the building of the church — so we have set our face toward building His church and the proclamation of the gospel to the ends of the earth.   The Lord has promised the faithful a hundred times more than they give, plus the blessed assurance of eternal life with Him. (Matt. 19:29) The Anchor Church is committed to the Lord for the mission of planting this Body of Christ in this community and developing Idaho Baptist College to teach and train leaders to spread the gospel.  Beginning in this community and unto the world.

STRATEGY: It all begins with the great commandment:   “Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself” Matt. 22:37-39 He said, “I come to seek and save the lost…teach them all things I have commanded you.” As we are faithful to Him, He will draw all men. He will part the waters as we do His bidding.